This is the summary of what was said during our meeting in November, our last get-together before our trip in January.
Two documents were given out to be completed and taken to the agency, once they're ready:
- Ficha Medica (to be filled in at home and by the personal doctor)
- Acta de Responsabilidad Civil (to be signed by an legal authority)
Apart from these two documents, those who are underage should also take these to the agency:
- permit signed by parents to be able to leave Argentina
- note written by parents in case they want to go on different tours on their own.
ALL STUDENTS were also reminded that they should have 200 pounds ready to pay to Discovery Tours on the day of arrival. Those who have dollars (not pounds) should change their money as soon as they get to Brighton.
ALL STUDENTS were made to sign a "Codigo de Convivencia", which clearly states the rules that should be complied with during the whole trip.
Still, there is ONE more topic that was NOT dealt with: in our Google Site there are two pages which three of you have not completed: Cambridge and Lewes Castle. Is there a volunteer to post something about these two attractions we will visit together?
When these TWO pages are ready I'll post a QUIZZ, which those who are willing to may complete. Remember there will be a prize for the winner/s !!!!!!
If there are any queries or questions you can always post them here, I'll be happy to answer them ;-)
So right now start completing all your ddocuments and wait until I let you know when you'll have to hand them in to Chateaux.